Steel honeycomb optical table (High-damping type)K6 series
There are two important features for optical table, stiffness and damping.
"Dynamic damper" can improve damping feature.
- Honeycomb

- Surface table
Good damping performance
Improve damping material and honeycomb core for damping and stiffness, evolve new optical table having better damping and stiffness.

※Steel honeycomb table(W1800×D900×t200mm)
You can choose variable vibration isolator with K6 series.
Steel honeycomb optical table K6 series can be used with Air spring vibration isolator AYA/AY series, or vibration-proof rubber RHS series, etc.
※We can use variable size of optical tables by custom made.

interferrometer, Super-resolution microscopy, LASER/opto-electronics, etc.
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